Is Orthodontic treatment with Braces or Invisalign better?

This question is more and more frequently asked and even so, there is no technique better than another, each one has different characteristics with its advantages and disadvantages, from economic differences to questions of preferences of both the professional and the patient. What is decisive is the diagnosis and knowing what to do in each case.

The different appliances are tools and it is the orthodontist's responsibility to know and master the different techniques with a solid base of orthodontic knowledge, biology and biomechanics. There are good and bad treatments with braces and with Invisalign or any appliance. The orthodontist is the one who does the treatment. That is why the best technique is to put yourself in the hands of good orthodontists.

Are braces better than Invisalign?

It is true that orthodontists have been mastering and knowing in depth the techniques of fixed appliance orthodontics (brackets) for many years and achieving very satisfactory results, especially with the incorporation of low friction brackets that have allowed an advance in modern orthodontics by using light forces in orthodontic movements.

Also the appearance of aesthetic brackets, sapphire or porcelain or lingual brackets, have allowed an increase in the number of patients, especially adult orthodontic patients, providing a solution to the traditional metal brackets placed in the vestibular area (visible part of the tooth) which are very unsightly for many patients. Brackets provide the orthodontist with a magnificent tool to achieve the desired results in all types of malocclusions, based on a good diagnosis and a correct treatment plan.

A good orthodontist should know how to handle the different bracket techniques in order to select the type of technique he/she considers best for treating his/her patients.

Brackets are and will continue to be used in cases where the patient so chooses for various reasons such as the possibility of lack of collaboration, for economic reasons (although the Incognito technique generally has a higher cost than the Invisalign Invisible Orthodontic Technique) or often in cases of Orthodontics with Orthognathic surgery by surgical prescription for the time of surgery and subsequent cerclage.

Is Invisalign better than braces?

The incorporation of Invisalign Invisible Orthodontics for more than 20 years and with an unimaginable and unstoppable R&D, has allowed us to have a tool with technological features that allow the orthodontist, based on a good diagnosis, to carry out a planning and sequence with greater control than with fixed appliances.

Innovative and avant-garde technique with transparent aligners that is demanded by the patient for being aesthetic, invisible, comfortable... but what makes it really different is the performance that allows the orthodontist the individualized control of each tooth, three-dimensional, asymmetrical movements and differential anchorage determining the sequence of tooth movement.

The technique of aligners is frictionless, which allows tooth movements to be very smooth and physiological with the repercussion of well-being and health that this has for the patient. The development of the Clin Check (virtual plan of the dental movements) determined by the diagnosis is key to the correct sequence and biology and not to produce iatrogenies as can occur with fixed appliances.

In this way, in recent years, more commercial brands of orthodontic aligners have appeared due to the revolution and the commercial impact of this technique, although Invisalign has the best software that allows it to digitally and dynamically simulate dental movements, exerting forces on the entire surface of the teeth as opposed to the orthodontic forces exerted by bracket appliances and all this with a predictability of almost 98%. This gives the Invisalign system a unique performance.

What are the differences between Braces and Invisalign?

For the patient the differences between braces and Invisalign are clear since Invisalign are removable aligners that are removed for eating and brushing. In addition to the comfort and aesthetics, the forces applied to the teeth are very gentle and virtually unobtrusive because they occur over the entire surface of the plastic. In addition, we can sequence longer-term treatments in clinic visits, allowing patients who are outside the city where their trusted orthodontist is located to be treated.

There are many patients who for work reasons are displaced outside Spain and who come to the office every 2-3 months and the orthodontist can perfectly control the treatment and also with the assurance that there will be no urgency, descementado....

For the orthodontist who knows the Invisalign System in depth, he has a Technique with more advanced features and with a biomechanics of greater control in dental movements.

In addition, in cases of periodontal patients, Invisalign is more appropriate to be able to sequence the amount of movement and act in an individualized way and to be able to brush without appliances allows a control of bacterial plaque, fundamental in the control of periodontal disease.

In patients with joint problems, the aligners have a splinting effect as they do not collide tooth with tooth as they are protected by the aligners.

What is the bottom line?

The best thing to do is to put yourself in good hands. Choose an experienced orthodontist who has mastered the most avant-garde appliances and can offer you the best results.

The reality is that the Invisalign Invisible Orthodontic Technique has favored that many patients, especially adults, come to consultations requesting information to be treated orthodontically. Some of them have the idea that their case cannot be treated because of the complexity of their malocclusion, and this is not true.

Each case must be studied and diagnosed since the complexity of the treatment is always in the diagnosis and the best orthodontists will have the tools in the different techniques to look for the best results.

The best option is to put yourself in good hands. Find out beforehand who is the specialist who is going to treat you.

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