Endodontics allows us to preserve and lengthen teeth. Endodontic treatment in Tijuana is necessary for oral health when infections occur at the root of the tooth. If the treatment is not carried out, there is a risk of suffering a loss of the tooth, which later requires treatment with a dental implant. dental implant.
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What is endodontics in Tijuana?.
Endodontics consists of the partial or total removal of the dental pulp, followed by cleaning of the canals to remove bacteria and necrotic tissue, in order to achieve aseptic canals.. After this, the pulp canal is sealed or closed.
The space resulting from this procedure is filled with a specific biocompatible material to prevent tooth loss.
When is it necessary to perform a root canal in Tijuana?
Endodontics is necessary when there is an infection in the dental nerve. This infection can be caused by caries, dental fracture, erosion or abrasion of the teeth caused by friction between them, prosthesis or any other existing pathology in the root and in the bone surrounding the tooth..
Generally an endodontic treatment is performed due to infection, inflammation or necrosis of the dental pulp..
The treatment must be carried out by a specialised dentist, with the use of local anaesthesia. A bad treatment can cause the total loss of our tooth or it can start to turn a dark colour.
How is endodontic treatment performed?
An endodontic treatment is carried out in different phases, which must be performed by a professional:
- Diagnosis. This is the first phase and is essential. In this phase, X-rays are taken to find out in detail the state of the tooth, and to determine whether the patient is in pain, where, and how intense the pain is. This will allow us to determine the treatment that the patient needs.
- Anaesthesia. Before starting endodontic treatment, anaesthesia should be applied. This is only necessary if the pulp has not suffered necrosis. Local anaesthesia is the option for patients suffering from irreversible pulpitis, i.e. when the pulp remains inflamed due to aggressive factors.
- Pulp extraction. In order to gain access to the pulp tissue, a perforation is made in the crown of the tooth. Removing the pulp isolates the tooth from any organism.
- Cleaning of the ducts. This is the conductometry phase, when the ducts are cleaned to remove any germs.
- Sealing. This is the filling phase, which consists of sealing the tooth after cleaning the canals. The canals are closed.
- Monitoring. After the treatment has been carried out, a dental X-ray should be taken to validate the status and effectiveness of the procedure. Monitoring and follow-up may take a few weeks or even months.
- This treatment makes it possible to save the tooth whose nerve has been affected.
- Eliminates infections and bacteria.
- Eliminates pain caused by inflammation of the nerve or dental pulp.
- Prevents future infections by cleaning the ducts.
- The materials used in the treatment are biocompatible.
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