Dental care of the mouth encompasses two concepts: health and beauty. Oral hygiene is essential to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent diseases, and a healthy and clean mouth and teeth offer a good aesthetic image, as it is a key point to be noticed at first sight. We would like to share with you some points that can help you on your next visit to the dentist, as well as some recommendations for your children's dental care.

What is dental care?

Dental care consists of flossing and brushing regularly, seeing your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings, and eating a mouth-healthy diet, which means eating foods high in whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

What are the benefits of visiting your dental clinic?

The benefits of regular dental visits go far beyond just having healthy teeth or a beautiful smile. Regular check-ups are important for overall health, as the state of your mouth has an impact on many other parts of your body, from your digestive system to your immune system.


Why do we need dental services?

Dental visits help the doctor detect irregularities such as tooth decay early, detect gum disease, detect early signs of oral cancer, check fillings, check for dry mouth or bad breath, check oral hygiene, protect your general health and preserve your family's oral health.


Although newborns and infants do not have teeth, it is important to take care of their mouth and gums. Follow these recommendations:

  1. Use a damp cloth to wipe baby's gums after each feeding.
  2. Do not put your baby or toddler to bed with a bottle of milk, juice or sugar water. Use only water for bottles at bedtime.
  3. Start using a soft toothbrush instead of a cloth to clean your child's teeth as soon as the first tooth appears (usually between 5 and 8 months of age).
  4. Check with your child's health care provider if your child needs to take oral fluoride.


  1. Brush your child's teeth and gums at least twice a day, especially before bedtime.
  2. Allow him to brush himself to get into the habit, but you must do the actual brushing.
  3. Take your child to the dentist every 6 months. Tell the dentist if your child sucks his thumb or breathes through his mouth.
  4. Teach them the safe way to play and what to do if a tooth is broken or knocked out. If you act quickly, you can often save the tooth.
  5. When your child starts teething, he or she should begin flossing every night before going to bed.
  6. Your child may need orthodontic treatment to prevent long-term problems.

Where can I find a dental clinic that fits my budget?

At Dental Familiar we have more than 35 years of experience, we are always at the forefront in materials, equipment and training for our doctors. We provide the best care for you and your family to keep that smile on your face, and without spending so much!
Visit us and discover that smiling doesn't cost much.

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