Braces in children.

Do you think your child needs orthodontic treatment, but you don't know what is the minimum age for braces? We clarify all your doubts in this article:

Let's face it, no parent likes to hear that their child needs braces. Children even less so! The famous "can teeth" often cause insecurity at a time of life when personality and confidence are more important than ever.

But the reality is that misaligned teeth can indicate developmental problems for a child that influence their breathing, posture and sleeping habits. So, in many instances, braces are unavoidable.

But the big question is: What is the minimum age for braces in children? Can we start immediately if we detect any malformation? Are there important consequences of starting too early?

The American Academy of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends that an orthodontic evaluation be performed before age 7. However, a general consensus has recently emerged to agree that children should wait until at least age 12 to begin braces.

The reason? At this age all the baby teeth have usually fallen out, which makes treatment much more predictable and contributes to treatment success.

And what are the are the signs that your child needs braces?

When the upper teeth are misaligned, the airway or sinus space becomes narrower, preventing air from flowing normally, causing the child to breathe through the mouth to try to compensate for the lack of oxygen.

This habit, in addition to indicating that the teeth are growing in the wrong position, can have many other health implications such as gastrointestinal problems.

Other lesser known signs that a child may need braces include hoarseness, stooped posture, lack of sleep, dark circles under the eyes or venous pooling under the eyes. If not treated early, these symptoms can lead to sleep disturbances that will severely impact their development during adolescence and later in adulthood.

Steps to follow

Whether you have detected any warning signs or not, ideally, from the age of 10 onwards, your child's dental visits should also include an orthodontic evaluation. In this way, they will be able to identify in a timely manner if there are any problems that need to be addressed by the age of 12.

Remember that the sooner treatment is started, the sooner it can be completed.

Would you like to schedule an assessment appointment?

Would you like to schedule an assessment consultation? Then contact us! At Nakeji Dental we have a team of professionals who will be able to guide you on the best route to follow to begin orthodontic treatment for your little ones.

Our Tijuana dental clinic has more than 35 years of experience and thousands of satisfied patients endorse and recommend us as your best option in the city.

Also, if your little one needs any additional procedures such as cavity treatment or teeth cleaning, you can request an appointment with our children's dentists. Our procedures are gentle and less invasive to take care of your child's little teeth.

Ask for professional advice or call us at the following numbers:

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US: (619) 730-4612

MX: (664) 449-4649

Our dentists in Tijuana are ready to assist you and help the spoiled of the house to have a beautiful, healthy and perfect smile.

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