What are dental veneers in Tijuana?

Within the aesthetic and rehabilitative treatments of dentistry, treatment with dental veneers is nowadays one of the most required. A smile with dental veneers is usually very beautiful, natural and harmonious, being this treatment approached step by step to ensure the maximum possible naturalness along with the aesthetics of the teeth.

In fact, talking about dental veneers and patient opinions about them is one of the best ways to get an idea of their benefits.

When should we opt for dental veneers and when should we not?

They are especially indicated in the following cases:

  • Color alterations: stains due to tetracyclines (medication that stains teeth), enamel hypoplasias (developmental problems in the enamel) or external staining.
  • Alterations in shape: due to fractures, wear and tear or cracks.
  • Alterations in position: small changes in position that are not to be corrected with orthodontics can be corrected by the placement of veneers, as long as the alteration is minimal and can be resolved by grinding.
  • Alterations with loss of more than half of the tooth: for example, in bruxist patients who have lost a large number of teeth or tooth fractures, it would not be advisable since veneers are susceptible to be biomechanically fragile.
  • Dental malocclusions: in patients who do not have a correct or very stable bite, it is not recommended, since the bite forces are not compensated and can fracture the veneers, since, as we have already mentioned, they are quite fragile.
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dental mobility

What are dental veneers made of?

Depending on the material they are made of, they can be:

Composite or acrylic:

It is usually the same material used for dental fillings, or it can also be one specialized in this treatment. It is usually performed using the direct technique and, as we have mentioned, they are not as esthetically accurate as porcelain fillings.

These have advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of.


  • A single session
  • No provisionals required
  • Lower cost
  • Mouth repairable


  • Limited aesthetics
  • Poorer prognosis and lower durability
  • Color instability
  • Needs maintenance
  • The composite is translucent, so if the staining is too pronounced, we will not achieve the desired result.


They are made by means of a specific ceramic giving it the naturalness and translucency of the enamel, thus achieving a very aesthetic and natural effect. This is always done using the indirect technique through laboratory work, thus achieving a more accurate and aesthetic result.

These have advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of:


  • Unbeatable esthetics
  • Durability
  • Fracture and stain resistance
  • High color stability
  • Best prognosis


  • High cost
  • 2 sessions are necessary, following the indirect technique.
  • Requires temporary
  • Not repairable in the mouth

Therefore, as professionals, we recommend, whenever possible, porcelain veneers, as they have better short and long term results.


Zirconium is a ceramic material of extreme hardness and resistance that was already used for the manufacture of brackets, pins or stumps to be placed after endodontics, as well as for the manufacture of bridges and dental crowns. Its white colour is very similar to that of the original dental pieces and it has an extraordinary durability as long as optimal hygiene conditions are maintained, to the point that many dentists offer a lifetime guarantee with these implants.

Among the advantages of zirconium are that it prevents the formation of bacterial plaque around it, it resists acid corrosion very well and does not cause problems with temperature changes. These implants are mainly used in patients who are allergic to titanium.

How are they placed and what is the process?

If you are interested in this treatment, first of all, you should go to your dentist to make a detailed study of your case and inform you of the possibilities.

Once you have decided on the type of treatment you want to have and the veneers you want to have, a study of your face and your measurements will be carried out in order to create the veneers that are best suited to your characteristics.

To do so, the steps to follow are as follows:

  1. Making study models: taking some previous measurements of your mouth, a wax model of what the result of your treatment will be like is made on the models. With this we can show you how your teeth will look like and retouch it to your liking.
  2. Carving: we must reduce by carving your teeth, to get the right space to place the dental veneer on top. A reduction must be made on the outside of the tooth, about 0.5mm and a reduction on the sides of the tooth, as well as in height, along the incisal edge of the tooth. This is done in the clinic using specialized drills. It is completely painless, so it is not a big problem.
  3. We place temporary acrylic veneers to maintain the esthetics until the definitive porcelain veneers are placed.
  4. Cemented: once we have the definitive porcelain veneers ordered by the laboratory, we have to glue them to the already carved teeth by means of a special cement. To do this, the tooth and the veneer have to be previously prepared with some products, and then we place the dental veneer in its place by means of a cement.

Benefits of dental veneers

  1. Thanks to dental veneers it is possible to solve dental esthetic problems, but also other different problems such as the following:

    • Bleaching with light-colored veneers.
    • Lengthen teeth that have been worn down over the years or due to bruxism.
    • Fix broken teeth, whether the breakage is small or large.
    • To solve diastemas or spaces between teeth.
    • Defects in the enamel.
    • To solve some crowding problems, especially when it is only an esthetic problem.

    In all those cases in which whitening is not sufficient or possible, orthodontics has been ruled out, or when we want an optimal esthetic result and, at the same time, a non-invasive treatment, the use of veneers will be the best of the available options.


Dental veneers: What our patients are saying about them

  1. Almost all patients who wear veneers describe themselves as satisfied with their choice. The maintenance of veneers is easy and simple, and refers to a common oral hygiene routine, making use of a toothbrush and dental floss. Patients are very happy, especially because, being so thin, they are not noticeable.

    On the other hand, one of the things that all patients refer to is that the results of the veneers are very natural, which is an added value to this treatment, since, although it is appreciated that the patient has a very aesthetic smile, no specific change is noticed in the smile beyond the fact that it has a specific color and a perfect harmony.

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